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Sunday, April 5, 2015

We Carry Easter Everywhere We Go

I realize I have been a poor “blogger” lately and I apologize. So much has been happening in the last few weeks that I didn’t even think about sitting at my computer to write about what’s been happening in my life. I was just living it.

I’ll start off by saying that I have my bad days and, to my shame, more often than not I dwell on the moments that make some days seem harder than others. But some days I really get how much of an adventure I’m living. Trusting God is hard, but it’s so good. Sometimes I think God smiles, throws adventure my way, and watches to see whether I’ll act in faith or not. A lot of days I’m too scared to accept it. Other days I’m too tired or selfish; but every once in a while, I trust him, close my eyes, and just kind of jump. I like those times. I like them a lot—not because of anything I do, but mostly because he gives me grace enough to land on my feet when I do jump.

I spent this past week in the mountains. I was invited there as an English teacher through a program associated with the university I’m currently attending for language studies. I was invited to go on a Wednesday night. I was told on Thursday that we’d be leaving on Sunday. Initially, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go…. It was really sudden, I was feeling sick, and my roommate had the flu and couldn’t go with me. I’d be going into the mountains and living in a very small village with (quite literally) no contact with the outside world. AND, I wouldn’t know anyone there. I deliberated for the next four days on whether I would actually go. Sunday afternoon, a few hours before I actually had to leave, I chose adventure. So I threw some clothes in a backpack and walked out my door.

I don’t regret that decision. I never will.

Although this trip wasn’t “spiritual” in nature, I think God knew exactly what I needed to be reminded of His goodness. I experienced so much there. The pictures I took of the mountains don’t do their beauty any justice. I was enraptured by everything around me. I couldn’t help but marvel. There were so many cultural experiences I was able to live that I never would have known if I had stayed at home. The food was different, the culture was different, and it was the first time in my life that I was the only native English speaker around. I was the outsider, and I knew it, but the people I shared life with that week were so gracious. I taught a class to some students who barely understood English. I do not speak Russian. It was difficult and strangely fun. We hiked up mountains in below-zero weather and I rode a train through the mountains. (If you ever get the chance to take a train ride through the mountains you should definitely say yes.) There’s just something about being surrounded by imposing mountains that reminds me how small I am and how much bigger than anything I know God is.

I sometimes limit God. My imagination is pretty finite and I can only create so much, but God is so much grander than I give him credit for. I’m constantly surprised by his creativity and his love for his creation. All of it. He remains sole owner of this spinning ball of dust and water we reside and squabble over. Easter season is approaching (for us a week later than for anyone back home in the States) and I love the reminder that the creator of the earth was victor over death. Take a quiet minute to think about that—take a minute away from the Easter bunnies, the baskets, chocolates, and even Easter play preparations.…it’s been nice to not be bombarded by obnoxiously commercialized Easter decorations every time I walk into a store here. Instead, I’m reminded that I carry Easter with me everywhere I go. The hope of the Easter story is that Jesus is alive and living at the right hand of the Father in glory. He conquered the grave. Please don’t forget that Easter is more than just a weekend, or a basket full of gifts, or even a production at church. I think it was part of God’s plans for me to visit the mountains this past week, right before the Easter season, because I haven’t stopped thinking about what his sacrifice meant. He bought us with his blood and creation tells his story. We serve a risen Savior.

“Death has died, love has won. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ has overcome, He has risen from the dead!”

                                    --The Mercy Tree

Jennifer G. 


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