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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Good Confession of Faith

Last month we witnessed eight new believers being baptized by pastors of a local church.

A pool in a public sauna was rented for the event. Those of us there to witness the baptism crowded around the pool on a narrow walkway between the wall and the edge of the water.

Those who were baptized entered the pool two at a time. They were asked to reaffirm their confession of faith before being immersed by one of the pastors.

As each newly-baptized believer was raised out of the water we sang a song of praise around them.

It wasn’t but a few weeks later that one of the recently-baptized believers shared a testimony of how she had taken the opportunity to share her faith. We praised God that her obedience in baptism was quickly followed by her obedience in evangelism.

These newly-baptized believers already serve with the church. Give thanks with us for the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their lives and for the obedience of other believers to be disciple-makers.

We’re praying, too, that these eight new believers will be the start of a movement of God across the city, a chain-reaction of evangelism and discipleship.

“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Colossians 3:19-22)

Shawn B. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Truth In The Light

Truth about the Light

Ufa has become a completely different world ever since the last of the snow melted and was carried off, by the cascading streams from the rains of springtime. Not only does the land 
itself look completely different and inviting, but, also, the people themselves have become 
more pleasant and inviting to the world around them. Children are no longer burdened by 
heavy winter clothing, unless you are 5 years old, and have begun their adventures in the 
streets, parks, and the rest of the city. Even the adults have somewhat of a jubilant 
perspective towards life, as the nature around them begins to blossom and accept the 
warmth from the sun.

What is it about sunlight, or light in general, that is so appealing to the general population?
Since the beginning of time, people groups' lives have revolved around light. Whether it was
celebrations, jobs, or even lifestyles, these all seem to revolve around light as their key 
factor. Especially, in a country where the lack of light outweighs the presence of light, there 
seems tobe a large difference in how people live and function on a daily basis.

One such event that drew the people out of the shadows into the light was Sabantui. 
Sabantui is a Bashkir holiday that celebrates the season of growth and life. After the winter 
season, the time for starting gardens, crops, and life outside begins. The Bashkirs like to 
celebrate this change in seasons by having a festival after the first crop has been planted. 
The word "Sabantui" is directly translated as, "Saban" being "plow" and "tui" being "wedding celebration". This holiday is traditionally celebrated to usher in the time for planting, growing, and harvesting crops.

On June 12, 2015, a few friends and I went out to a park to observe and even take part in
some of the festivities. We watched as men wrestled with colored belts to receive bragging
rights, men climbed telephone poles to receive a prize, women and children danced and 
sang, "Russian barbecue" was served, and people of all ages took part in carnival rides and horse rides.

I am looking forward to more moments, such as this holiday, to take part in with my friends
here. Just to know that the warmth brings the people out of their homes into the light, gives me encouragement to not take this time lightly. With how much more open people are to
ideas, conversations, and activities, should give us all initiative to make connections with the
people around us.

Light gives meaning to what we do. Light gives direction to our lives. Light reveals truth to 
the unanswerable questions. Jesus is the Light. He is the Light of man, the Light in the darkness, the Light that reflects the very glory of God. Nature reflects the power and presence of God.

Therefore, sharing this information with people should shed light on the fact that what they
worship (the sun, the trees, the rain, or the earth...etc.) is not who they should worship. The
Creator desires for us to realize His presence and longs for us to worship Him. Truth in the Light.
Monday, June 15, 2015

It’s A Story to Be Shared

                 There are more than 50,000 university students here in Ufa. I’ve gotten the impression from spending time with students that they’re more willing to craft their own worldview rather than accept one inherited from their parents or grandparents. Even students who claim one of the two major religions, Islam or Orthodox Christianity, only loosely follow the associated teachings. Most students seem to have developed their own ideas regarding who God is, if He exists, and how that should influence the way we live.

                  I like interacting with people and hearing their ideas and thoughts, learning how they came to arrive at this or that answer to an important question. I recently ate lunch with a few friends. We began talking about our beliefs, how they were similar and how they were different. We shared different arguments and proofs that had led us to our beliefs. I don’t like debate for its own sake; I like entering into these conversations because I want to know what people believe, what ideas guide their lives. These discussions are times when I’ve been able to share the truths of the gospel and how they guide my own life.

                  Late in the conversation, my friend Ruslan asked a different kind of question. He said, “You know, these ideas are very good to hear, but what is your personal experience with religion?” It was my favorite question to answer that day. I shared with him my testimony of how God found me and how he continued to speak to me and work in my life in the years following my salvation. And I think God has given each of us a testimony of his work in our lives. It’s a story to be shared. It’s a story about an encounter, an experience with love and forgiveness. It’s a story that transcends an argument or proof because it’s an encounter with a person, with God. I’m praying that I’ll value the story God has given me and that He’ll use it to change and redeem the stories of students who need to hear it.

Shawn B.