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Friday, February 20, 2015
Today I Celebrated My First Birthday Abroad
Today is my birthday. While I
haven’t spent my last five birthdays with family because of my university
studies, this year is different. Today I celebrated my first birthday abroad.
In many ways it’s easier and more difficult than I expected. So far, this is
definitely a year of firsts….
If you had told me a year ago—even
six months ago—that I would be celebrating my birthday away from my home
country, I would have disbelieved and/or laughed at you. I didn’t think it was
possible and I didn’t really see how it would ever fit into my plans. I’ve had
a lot of plans over the years, and I think God has laughed at, and changed,
almost every last one of them. Really. Ask my parents. But I’m learning that
the Lord is so merciful and His plans infinitely better than any I could have
come up with (it’s a work in progress, because I’m very stubborn). This morning
during my time with Jesus I read Isaiah 52 (Just go read it, it’s so good). In
churches we hear a lot about verse 7, which I love—“How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good
news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God
reigns,’ ” but I think we forget about the next few verses, especially verse 9.
“Break forth together into singing,
you waste places of Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted his people; he has
redeemed Jerusalem.”
“The Lord has comforted his people…” You know,
I see reflections of myself in the people of Israel as I read through the Old
Testament and I can’t help but marvel that God can take “waste places” and
redeem them. I’ve seen it over, and over, and over again in my life and I
couldn’t help but think that today, on my birthday, this chapter was more
significant than before. I am constantly reminded that God can take my mess and
use it for glory. So today I’m just thankful. I’m thankful that I’m counted
among those whose feet bring good news. I’m thankful that God’s plans are
bigger and better than my own, even when I don’t understand them. I’m thankful
for the life and adventure I’ve experienced thus far. I’m thankful for new
cities and even newer friends, and being part of a family that spans continents
because of the blood of Jesus. I’m thankful for slightly broken, yet incredibly
sincere happy birthday wishes in English from fellow students. I have so much
to be thankful for.
Jennifer G.
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