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Saturday, May 23, 2015


I was recently asked to be a part of an ethnic festival with the university I attend here in Ufa. When they asked me to be the host, I had thought to myself that there was no way I would be able to speak Russian in front of an audience. So it was to my relief when they assured me that my part would be solely in English. They wanted me to announce for each performance that would take place on the stage and then thank each participant as they finished their performance. I was excited to have such a role in their festival!

However, what if they had needed me to announce in Russian? What if they needed me to be at a certain level of knowing the language, so as to aid them in speaking in the language I am learning? Would I have volunteered to do such a daunting task?  I honestly am not at a level of knowing the language that would be fully prepared or even capable to deliver whatever speech I would need to. But would this inquiry actually push me to strive harder to know the language better? I think it would have.

Even the apostles Paul and Peter both talked about being prepared and ready with a defense for the faith of believing in Jesus Christ as Lord.  In the book of Ephesians, Paul talks about putting on the armor of God and becoming bold and full of courage to join Christ in the fight against the Enemy, by having faith that it is God who truly provides.  But even here there is still the level of actually doing and allowing God to provide and how this idea must join the reality and belief that He will provide.  Also, in the Old Testament, there are several times when God asks someone specific, or even an entire nation, to join Him, stand still, watch, and rejoice in the victory that would all take place, just as He said it would. The people simply needed to believe and obey.

Should I be so different from any of these stories? What if it is God Himself that is asking for me to step out and be a part of something so much bigger than what I could imagine? What is it that stops us from leading forth in obedience and ultimately puts in our minds that there could be no way for us to accomplish the task at hand? Because, honestly, we cannot do anything apart from Him, whom orchestrates the very fabric of space into His will.  This is not about who we are, but who God is and how He works through us to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. Therefore, come, be still, watch, and rejoice in the victory at hand.

Kevin S. 


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