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- We are a team of people trying to reach people in Ufa and Bashkortostan in Russia. It is no small task and we want your support!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Prayer Walks and Boat Rides
Today started out a little slower for the Centerville team. At 10am Clarke Woodall took them for a prayer walk along two streets, 50 Year USSR and Zorgya. Clarke has prayer walked many streets of Ufa and is making a map in order to keep track of them. It will be neat to see how much territory he and others have prayed over when he leaves. When asked about their prayer walk some of the team had a few interesting observations about the scenery and the people. Bonita noticed a general lack of color. Many of the buildings from the communist era are still standing in Ufa. They all look fairly drab and gray. The streets in general often had a fairly colorless appearance, but this is changing. We also talked about the facades that cover many buildings. Underneath will be a grayish-white brick but they will put a beautiful cover on it. They all sensed that Ufa was a place that was worth an investment of time, money, emotion...etc. This was the consensus, even though they acknowledged that a big harvest did not seem to be looming in the near future. Soil must be first tilled and seeded and watered before a harvest has a chance to appear.
After the prayer walk and lunch the team went down to the White River for a boat ride. It was a good time of fellowship and relaxation. This was a good rest after a couple of long days.
After the prayer walk and lunch the team went down to the White River for a boat ride. It was a good time of fellowship and relaxation. This was a good rest after a couple of long days.
This is Gail and Nikki enjoying the cool breeze and each other's company. Nikki has been in Ufa all summer and is leaving tomorrow. Please pray for her family as her Grandmother is very sick.
Calavat Yulaev is the Bashkir National Hero. His monument is the most famous site in Bashkortostan. This unique view is from the riverboat.
After the boat ride the team had another time of sharing and discussing Ufa, the people, how God is working and how Centerville might join Him. The team is making very keen observations about this place and they are gaining a lot of insights to take back and share with their church. At 7pm at Clarke's apartment there was another English group. In this group they discuss general life issues. Some examples: Dealing with anger, what is love, what should a family look like, anything is fair game and the discussions can be very revealing and can lead to deeper discussions with individuals.
The group sits around the Woodall's dining room table.
Pray for the second team from Centerville Baptist as they travel to Ufa. Pray for Nikki as she travels home. Pray for all the relationships that will be built this next week.
Centreville Teams,
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