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- Its About to Get Quiet Around Here
- A Short Post
- A Meeting with Pastor Zhuk
- Some in the Sun, Some in the Shade
- More English groups, More Connecting With Non-Beli...
- Sunday
- Another Sunny Day, Another Picnic
- 20 Brides
- Coming and Going
- Prayer Walks and Boat Rides
- A Full Day, But Worth It
- A View from the Top
- Happy Birthday Paul!
- The Centerville 4 are in Town
- Teams from Centerville, Va to arrive soon!
- July 4th, Baptism Sunday
About Us
- TeamUfa
- We are a team of people trying to reach people in Ufa and Bashkortostan in Russia. It is no small task and we want your support!
- Centreville Teams (16)
- English Clubs (3)
- Impressions of Ufa (10)
- Local Church Activities (2)
- Mt. Olivet (8)
- The Church (2)
- Volunteers (28)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Its About to Get Quiet Around Here
This was the Centreville team's last day in Ufa. They will fly out early tomorrow morning and everyone should be praying for their safe return. Today was full of souvenir shopping. (it is surprisingly hard to find a good matroshka doll in Ufa) The big event of the day was a farewell dinner we had to say goodbye to the team. Several local believers and non-believers came and it was a great time of fellowship. Also, several of the team members got to tell the people present what they meant to them. God was glorified in what went on this evening and it was a great way to end up a great couple of weeks. Lots of new friendships were made and lots of older relationships were continued by the people from Centreville this week as well as by those of us who live here. I can not say enough good about this team and what all went on this week. They had great endurance in the face of one of the worst heat waves on record and the resulting mediocre sleep. I know the locals look forward the return of their friends as soon as possible and look forward to continuing these friendships over social networking and email. I, for one, had a lot of fun following them around and chronicling their activities. It was fun to act like an American around a bunch of other Americans. This was the first time I personally got told to be quieter on a bus or tram! So, here are a few pictures from the dinner. As you see, we had a lot of fun.
I hope you all have enjoyed this series over the past couple of weeks. Centreville really has set the bar high for people coming to Ufa. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Their willingness to adjust and adapt was amazing. Their attitude was great. I hope they continue to send many people this way as the Lord allows.
After we ate there was a sort of talent show.
The first act was Danielle serenading Vikki.
Then Bob and Damien Marley showed up.
A little chestnut tree.
These girls sang a popular Russian song.
I wasn't the only one with a camera.
Jeff and the translators. The hugs and goodbyes took forever!
I hope you all have enjoyed this series over the past couple of weeks. Centreville really has set the bar high for people coming to Ufa. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Their willingness to adjust and adapt was amazing. Their attitude was great. I hope they continue to send many people this way as the Lord allows.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
A Short Post
Here are a couple of pictures from one of the other home groups last night. Leslie told me it was a great experience for her. There was singing, a Bible discussion and one man gave his testimony. It is a fairly long story that begins when he was five. He grew up being told at school that there was no God and began to look for a purposes for his life. He tried to commit suicide and was stopped. After this he began visiting different places of worship to try and find something that would satisfy his empty soul. He finally found his answer in Jesus. I have heard many testimonies here that indicate the Lord worked on a person for years before he came to Christ. One man's testimony even includes watching the 700 Club dubbed in Russian and hearing Pat Robertson giving an invitation! Let this be a reminder to us that witnessing to a person might not just be a one time story you tell and then move on to the next person. It is often a process that can take time and continual effort on our part and probably includes many other elements besides our direct interaction with them. It is great that Centreville has committed to return to Ufa often, to 'adopt' it as a city they pray for and to support the church's work here. This way they can be a bigger part of many individual's lives and help them along their journey toward knowing Jesus is Lord.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I could not be with the team from Centreville for most of the day. In asking them about it, the day was a good one. They went to Victory Park to see the memorial there, then they went to a couple of different apartments to participate in English language clubs. In the evening they went back to Kashkadan to play some volleyball and to visit with some of the friends they have made. After that they ate dinner at a local cafe and continued to visit with some people they have met throughout the week.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I could not be with the team from Centreville for most of the day. In asking them about it, the day was a good one. They went to Victory Park to see the memorial there, then they went to a couple of different apartments to participate in English language clubs. In the evening they went back to Kashkadan to play some volleyball and to visit with some of the friends they have made. After that they ate dinner at a local cafe and continued to visit with some people they have met throughout the week.
Leslie, Amy, Rachael, and Jade enjoying some Russian cuisine.
Enjoying a meal and the company.
The translators have done a lot of work this week and did a good job at it.
Pray for the farewell dinner tomorrow night. Many local people will be there, believers and non-believers. Pray that the team's last day will be a fruitful one. Pray for the team's travels back to the US. Pray that the new relationships that were started this week can be followed up on by, not only us that live here, but by the Centreville team as well through social networking and email.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Meeting with Pastor Zhuk
Some of you may not be aware that Jeff went off to a lake house this weekend with a bunch of professionals that have started their own English club. I made a reference to this group on Tuesday, July 20th. It turns out that Jeff had many good conversations with many of these people and established witnessing relationships with many of them. This is a great thing that the Lord has done. Not only has Jeff planted seeds in the hearts of these individuals, but because of his efforts to hang out with them, those of us that live here have a new group of people with whom to be an incarnate witness as we continue the ministry the Lord has given us. He has a few good stories about conversations with some of them and I hope to get him to tell me more about this trip soon.
There were some good things talked about in this morning's worship and meeting. Leslie shared her experience that she had in the park next to the hotel last night. She met some ladies who were curious about why she was in Ufa. They talked for a while about family, church life and some other things and the women expressed gratitude that people care and are coming to Ufa and reaching out to the people. Seeds were planted last night with those ladies.
Wayne talked about seeing some friends from two years ago at Kashkadan (the lake with the volleyball pits) He talked about how he was glad he had taken the time to keep up with those people while he was in the states and how if he hadn't they may not have shown up last night. This struck me as a good example of why a church should make long term investments in places they go on mission trips. When the Iron Curtain fell in the early 90's, a flood of western churches sent teams to take advantage of the opportunity to bring a message of hope to this country. They came and went and were never heard from in Russia again. This left a bad taste in the mouths of those they encountered and, frankly, the Russians felt used. Coming year after year shows commitment and a level of care that will help break though the barriers of doubt and mistrust the Russians often have when dealing with outsiders.
The team had a meeting today with the senior pastor in all of Bashkortostan, Peter Zhuk. He is also one of the vice presidents of the Russian Baptist Union. He is responsible for a large part of the Ural Mountain region. It was good for the team to hear about his passion for the people in Bashkortostan and the struggles the evangelical church faces in this largely Muslim republic.
There were some good things talked about in this morning's worship and meeting. Leslie shared her experience that she had in the park next to the hotel last night. She met some ladies who were curious about why she was in Ufa. They talked for a while about family, church life and some other things and the women expressed gratitude that people care and are coming to Ufa and reaching out to the people. Seeds were planted last night with those ladies.
Wayne talked about seeing some friends from two years ago at Kashkadan (the lake with the volleyball pits) He talked about how he was glad he had taken the time to keep up with those people while he was in the states and how if he hadn't they may not have shown up last night. This struck me as a good example of why a church should make long term investments in places they go on mission trips. When the Iron Curtain fell in the early 90's, a flood of western churches sent teams to take advantage of the opportunity to bring a message of hope to this country. They came and went and were never heard from in Russia again. This left a bad taste in the mouths of those they encountered and, frankly, the Russians felt used. Coming year after year shows commitment and a level of care that will help break though the barriers of doubt and mistrust the Russians often have when dealing with outsiders.
The team had a meeting today with the senior pastor in all of Bashkortostan, Peter Zhuk. He is also one of the vice presidents of the Russian Baptist Union. He is responsible for a large part of the Ural Mountain region. It was good for the team to hear about his passion for the people in Bashkortostan and the struggles the evangelical church faces in this largely Muslim republic.
Pastor Zhuk shares his heart as Polina translates
I think someone suggested Wayne start a ministry called 'Bikes and Bibles across Bashkortostan'. This was all he could find.
In the afternoon the team participated in some English clubs being held at the Bauer's and Woodall's apartments. This was another ministry opportunity for them and local believers.
Victor giving an explanation of an English idiom.
Tonight the group was split into four parts in order to participate in evangelistic home Bible study groups being held across the city. These are ongoing groups hosted in the apartments of local believers. It was good to be able to see these in action. All the groups have a common purpose and some common elements, but all have different personalities. The group I attended with Ashley and Allison was hosted in the apartment of a woman whose husband had left her with two young children. There were also three other school aged kids there. They were orphans, one of whom was recently saved and wants to be Baptized soon. There were a couple of other regulars who weren't there. So, what do you do with a some kids who are largely ignorant of the basics of the Christian faith? You share with them the same Bible stories that we learned as kids and then make it relevant to them. You tell them that God loves them and is there to help them in the hard times. It was a good evening and I hope to share something from the other groups tomorrow.
Pray for these home groups, that God would let them prosper and have a growing impact on the city. Pray that the church in Bashkortostan would remain faithful in the face of what seems an insurmountable task of having a church in every major city and town. Pray that the team would keep going strong these last few days and continue to look for opportunities to talk to non-believers with the same enthusiasm they have had thus far.
Pray for these home groups, that God would let them prosper and have a growing impact on the city. Pray that the church in Bashkortostan would remain faithful in the face of what seems an insurmountable task of having a church in every major city and town. Pray that the team would keep going strong these last few days and continue to look for opportunities to talk to non-believers with the same enthusiasm they have had thus far.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Some in the Sun, Some in the Shade
It was another successful day in Ufa for the Centreville team. The worship time went a little longer than planned this morning as different ones shared some of their experiences and thoughts over the past few days. The team has really bought into the model of ministry we are using in Ufa and as a result we are all being exposed to new people every day with whom we want to share the Gospel. One example is a man that saw all of us down by the river on Saturday and came over to us out of curiosity. Some of the team introduced themselves and invited him to church the next day. Not only did he show up at church, but he spent most of the rest of the day with one of the brothers talking about different life issues. This brother invited the man to one of the home groups that will be going tomorrow night at a local believer's apartment and the man accepted. Some of the members of the Centreville team will be at this apartment to participate in this home group and will encounter this man again. God used the Centreville group being here to expose this man to the Gospel! We have seen English language and Americans being used to bridge a cross-cultural gap over and over as we have ministered here in Ufa. This is often an important first step here in starting an evangelistic relationship. That is part of the value of these short term teams that come and are willing to be flexible and to do somethings that are out of the norm for mission trips. It is not easy to do some of the more traditional mission activities. Therefore, we have to do things a little different in Ufa. God has given us a way and we are simply following His lead.
After the worship time, the team went down for a boat ride on the river. Another fun tourist activity. Polina, one of the translators, received dance lessons. Jeff got his hair done. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the cool breeze was a welcome break from the heat we have experienced here.
After the worship time, the team went down for a boat ride on the river. Another fun tourist activity. Polina, one of the translators, received dance lessons. Jeff got his hair done. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the cool breeze was a welcome break from the heat we have experienced here.
Ashley and Bradley showing Polina how to move. (by the way, my apologies to Bradley's mother for referring to him as Brandon in a previous post)
The whole crew.
The team hung at Clarke and Tara's apartment today so they could cool off a little before they headed to a park in the middle of town that has a lake and beach volleyball pits. This is a popular hangout in the summer. The team was there along with local believers and lots of lost people. There were more new faces this evening. More contact info was exchanged and new relationships begun. It was another successful ministry opportunity.
Bradley hitting the ball around with some locals. The sand and sun was hot even at 7pm.
Several preferred the shade. These people smelled better at dinner.
From the park, the team went to dinner at a local cafe and several of the locals came too. Most of them, non-believers. It was great to see the Centreville team interact with their new friends. More contacts were made as they sat around the tables and more seeds were planted.
Pray for the home groups that the team will be participating in tomorrow night. These are regular evangelistic gatherings and many of these groups hope to become churches. Pray for the English clubs the team will be hosting tomorrow afternoon. Pray that more seeds can be planted in the hearts of lost people. Pray for the salvation of the man the team encountered on Saturday at the picnic.
Monday, July 26, 2010
More English groups, More Connecting With Non-Believers
The team was in much better shape today than yesterday. All but two (one with a migraine and the other with a stomach virus) were in good health and seemed to have gotten a much better night's sleep than previously. The other two were feeling better by the day's end and joined the rest of the team for dinner. Praise the Lord! It is much easier to be effective when you are fully awake and aware.
This morning the team met at 10am as usual to have a time of worship and encouragement. They sang some songs and Wayne brought a short message to the team.
This morning the team met at 10am as usual to have a time of worship and encouragement. They sang some songs and Wayne brought a short message to the team.
Some of the group singing a worship song.
The sightseeing highlight of the day was the Lula Tulpan mosque. You may remember this from a post last week. Also, remember that this group is here on tourist visas and in order to honor that, they need to visit these important landmarks. Every visit to the mosque is very educational. This team got to go to the top of one of the tulip shaped minarets just like the team last week.
These four found a shady spot on the grounds of the mosque.
Lunch at a local food court.
After lunch, the team crashed at Victor and Susan's apartment. It was here that Chris shared with the whole team his philosophy on missions. Especially missions in Bashkortostan. Remember, regular mass evangelism tactics are forbidden here. This means we must be more intentional about building as many relationships as possible in order to share the Gospel with any credibility to an over-all suspicious society. That's why we do these English clubs, Bible discussions in English...etc. These are the bridges that help us gain witnessing opportunities. That's why these short term teams are so important. One of the things they do is help draw new people into our circle of influence. A crowd of Americans in Ufa draws interest. We, along with local believers, try our best to capitalize on the situations. At the picnic on Saturday, Chris said he saw about ten people that he had never seen before and they were interacting with believers who were also present. That is something that might not have happened if not for the willingness of the guys and girls from Centreville to come. (Sorry for the rabbit trail)
The group left Victor's in two parts. Most went to the Carr's apartment for the English clubs there and two of them went to the house of a local church planter for his home group. The two that went to the home group had a great time interacting with the people there and the whole experience was mutually educational for the Americans and the Russians as they exchanged questions about life, family and church.
Tomorrow the team will be at a local park that has a big lake, volleyball pits and plenty of other areas to play. Pray for this chance to interact with non-believers. Also, the team may be able to meet with one of the leading local pastors for a chance to hear from him regarding his vision for churches in Bashkortostan. Pray that this meeting happens this week.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
As you might guess, today was a day of worship and rest. The team went to two different churches in town this morning. One part went to the House of Prayer and the other, to Grace Church. Both are members of the Russian Baptist Union. The House of Prayer is the biggest church in town 200-300 people. The contingent that visited there had a couple of translators with them and they worshiped alongside the Russian brothers and sisters. At Grace Church, Wayne was able to share a testimony with the congregation and bring greetings from Centreville Baptist. After church, lunch. We all ate at a cafeteria named Mado. (think Picadilly or Morrison's, but with Turkish food) Then the whole crew, translators and all, crashed at my apartment for the remainder of the afternoon. Allison and I don't have a lot of room, but we have A/C!
At 6:30 every Sunday we host a Bible discussion group in English at our apartment. Locals come, not only to polish their English skills, but to read Scripture and discuss it with one another. We have been going through he book of Mark and this has presented many chances to share with the group members about who Jesus is and what he did for Mankind. The group was tired, but hung in there and participated. After this it was dinner and to the hotel for some sleep.
Pray for the team. It is hot in Ufa with highs in the low 90's. That doesn't sound bad until you add jet lag, no A/C in most places and they are doing a lot of walking around and traveling on public transport. They should be proud of themselves, though. Everyone still seems in high spirits and excited to be here. They are trying to make the most of this unique experience they are having. Also, pray that everyone will keep themselves hydrated. Having to buy bottled water all the time is annoying, but necessary.
Pray for the English club at the Carr's apartment tomorrow night. The team will have another chance to mingle with lost people. Pray for the Bible study that will be taking place at the same time at the apartment of a local believer. Some of the team will be participating in this while the other part will be at the Carr's.
At 6:30 every Sunday we host a Bible discussion group in English at our apartment. Locals come, not only to polish their English skills, but to read Scripture and discuss it with one another. We have been going through he book of Mark and this has presented many chances to share with the group members about who Jesus is and what he did for Mankind. The group was tired, but hung in there and participated. After this it was dinner and to the hotel for some sleep.
Pray for the team. It is hot in Ufa with highs in the low 90's. That doesn't sound bad until you add jet lag, no A/C in most places and they are doing a lot of walking around and traveling on public transport. They should be proud of themselves, though. Everyone still seems in high spirits and excited to be here. They are trying to make the most of this unique experience they are having. Also, pray that everyone will keep themselves hydrated. Having to buy bottled water all the time is annoying, but necessary.
Pray for the English club at the Carr's apartment tomorrow night. The team will have another chance to mingle with lost people. Pray for the Bible study that will be taking place at the same time at the apartment of a local believer. Some of the team will be participating in this while the other part will be at the Carr's.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Another Sunny Day, Another Picnic
First things first. Here are some pics from the women's club last night. It had a beach theme so that equaled fun with water balloons. As far as the fellowship and sharing time goes, all reports were positive.
Today was one that started out without much activity. The Centreville group had worship in one of the hotel conference rooms at 10am for about an hour and then went for some souvenir shopping. One must remember that traveling ten time zones is no mean feat. Therefore, it is wise this weekend not to push too hard so that when the number of activities picks up next week, the team won't be exhausted. After lunch at Rostick's KFC the group did a short prayer walk down one street in the downtown area and piled up in Chris Carr's apartment for for a little rest. The big event of the day was the picnic that was put together in order to celebrate July birthdays. Anybody with a birthday in July received a little gift and we all sang happy birthday to them in Russian and English. Whenever we go on a picnic near the river in Ufa, dinner is shashlik. (grilled meat) They have great shashlik at the river.
We had a good number of people to show. One thing was added to this picnic that we did not have at the last one. Eileen organized a water balloon throwing competition. The time of fellowship and meeting new people was great.
Today was one that started out without much activity. The Centreville group had worship in one of the hotel conference rooms at 10am for about an hour and then went for some souvenir shopping. One must remember that traveling ten time zones is no mean feat. Therefore, it is wise this weekend not to push too hard so that when the number of activities picks up next week, the team won't be exhausted. After lunch at Rostick's KFC the group did a short prayer walk down one street in the downtown area and piled up in Chris Carr's apartment for for a little rest. The big event of the day was the picnic that was put together in order to celebrate July birthdays. Anybody with a birthday in July received a little gift and we all sang happy birthday to them in Russian and English. Whenever we go on a picnic near the river in Ufa, dinner is shashlik. (grilled meat) They have great shashlik at the river.
The girls and Brandon enjoying their time at the river.
Since we had gathered together both believers and non-believers, some of the people gave testimonies. A particularly powerful testimony came from one of the men. He had all sorts of problems with drugs and alcohol and he told the story of how Jesus pulled him out of that.
Polina translates and Rustem shares with the group how he found the Lord.
We had a good number of people to show. One thing was added to this picnic that we did not have at the last one. Eileen organized a water balloon throwing competition. The time of fellowship and meeting new people was great.
Tomorrow is Sunday and the group will split in the morning and go to two different churches. Some may go to one church that begins at 4pm. Also, some will go the Bible discussion group that normally meets at my apartment. Pray for the team at the services tomorrow. It is very hard to stay awake in a service where you don't understand what is being said and you are still jet lagged. Pray for the Bible discussion group. Pray that the team gets solid rest tomorrow night so they will have energy to be effective during the week.
Friday, July 23, 2010
20 Brides
It was the first full day for the second the from Centreville. After a brief orientation meeting, the whole crew went down to the monument of Salavat Yulaev. (for his picture, check Wednesday's post) He is the most important Bashkir hero. He was a rebel who lead an army against the Russian Queen's forces and lost. He was tortured and killed. I wonder if there aren't some similarities to the way Southerners feel about many Confederate heros. The funny thing to see was all the brides out around the monument plaza. Many weddings start on Friday and end on Sunday. Friday is picture day around town.
The whole gang at the monument plaza.
This bride and groom got the treat of well wishes from Jeff, Wayne and Bradley!
After this excursion and lunch the team took a little time to prayer walk. They split up into four groups and walked parallel streets toward Chris' apartment in downtown. I went with the group walking along Sverdlova Street. We walked through the Aviation University campus and past some major bus stops. This experience gave the team a closer look at life in Ufa as they walked along the streets, smelling the smells, seeing the sites and hearing the noises of the city.
A scene from Sverdlova Street.
When the group got to Chris' apartment, they were able to rest for about an hour and a half before it was time to leave for the men's and women's clubs. This was a good chance for belivers and non-believers to meet and build relationships. It is funny to think about, but God uses us as bait sometimes. People are curious about us and want the chance to talk to native English speakers. This provides a perfect bridge for us as well as local believers to meet people. The ultimate goal being to develop a relationship that will allow someone local to share the Gospel with a lost person in their own language and to be able to follow up with that person. The guys meet at Victor's apartment and after dinner he normally shares something from a biblical point of view that will interest guys and get them thinking about their lives in a different way.
Bradley enjoying Victor's spaghetti.
Having a good time after dinner.
Since I am a man, I was at the men's club. I hope to post pictures from the women's club tomorrow, so check back.
Pray for the picnic tomorrow. It is another chance for non-believers to mix with believers. Pray for Jeff. He went out with some non-believers on a camping trip for the weekend.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Coming and Going
Today Nikki Lutes, who had been in Ufa for the summer, left to travel back home a little early. Her grandmother has become very ill and Nikki needed to be with her family. We wish her safe travels and are praying for her, her grandmother and the rest of her family.
Also, today my ignorance was corrected. The town in Virginia is spelled CentREville not CentERville. After apologizing profusely for this egregious error, Jeff, Gail, Paul and Bonita forgave me.
For the first Centreville team, today was one of meetings. Because of this, I have no pictures. Jeff and Chris eating a hamburger is not very interesting. Now, had they gotten in a food fight, my camera would have been the first one out! This morning the team met at one of the three Mcdonald's in Ufa. They planned out the strategy for the incoming team. After this they made a short trip to a local mall for a little souvenir shopping. One of the interesting meetings they had today was with the director of a local educational institution that teaches English. They also supply visa support for us (Blake, Clarke and Victor) and our families so, this is a very important relationship. Different possibilities were discussed for seminars that could be lead by visitors from Centreville. This would be a mutually beneficial cultural exchange where teachers of English could learn about American language and culture from native speakers. This is a rare thing for some of them. Also, it would mean those of us that live here could start building new relationships within the teaching circles. This meeting went well as the team's proposals were well received and will be acted upon. The last meeting of the day was one with several local believers, with whom Chris meets regularly. These are active participants in various churches and ministries, as well as evangelists and church planters. It was a good time of sharing tonight and it further exposed the four from Centreville to different ways God is at work in Bashkortostan and to the people he is using to expand His kingdom.
Tonight's final activity was greeting the second team from Centreville Baptist. They arrived on time and with all of their luggage. (both of which are never guaranteed!) Jeff told me he took some pictures, so I will post one or two pics of the travel weary crew tomorrow.
Pray for the second team to get a good night's rest as their day will start at 10am tomorrow morning. Pray for the men's and women's clubs that will be meeting tomorrow night. This is another chance to connect local believers with non-believers. Pray that the registration process for the second team goes as smoothly as it did with the first.
Also, today my ignorance was corrected. The town in Virginia is spelled CentREville not CentERville. After apologizing profusely for this egregious error, Jeff, Gail, Paul and Bonita forgave me.
For the first Centreville team, today was one of meetings. Because of this, I have no pictures. Jeff and Chris eating a hamburger is not very interesting. Now, had they gotten in a food fight, my camera would have been the first one out! This morning the team met at one of the three Mcdonald's in Ufa. They planned out the strategy for the incoming team. After this they made a short trip to a local mall for a little souvenir shopping. One of the interesting meetings they had today was with the director of a local educational institution that teaches English. They also supply visa support for us (Blake, Clarke and Victor) and our families so, this is a very important relationship. Different possibilities were discussed for seminars that could be lead by visitors from Centreville. This would be a mutually beneficial cultural exchange where teachers of English could learn about American language and culture from native speakers. This is a rare thing for some of them. Also, it would mean those of us that live here could start building new relationships within the teaching circles. This meeting went well as the team's proposals were well received and will be acted upon. The last meeting of the day was one with several local believers, with whom Chris meets regularly. These are active participants in various churches and ministries, as well as evangelists and church planters. It was a good time of sharing tonight and it further exposed the four from Centreville to different ways God is at work in Bashkortostan and to the people he is using to expand His kingdom.
Tonight's final activity was greeting the second team from Centreville Baptist. They arrived on time and with all of their luggage. (both of which are never guaranteed!) Jeff told me he took some pictures, so I will post one or two pics of the travel weary crew tomorrow.
Pray for the second team to get a good night's rest as their day will start at 10am tomorrow morning. Pray for the men's and women's clubs that will be meeting tomorrow night. This is another chance to connect local believers with non-believers. Pray that the registration process for the second team goes as smoothly as it did with the first.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Prayer Walks and Boat Rides
Today started out a little slower for the Centerville team. At 10am Clarke Woodall took them for a prayer walk along two streets, 50 Year USSR and Zorgya. Clarke has prayer walked many streets of Ufa and is making a map in order to keep track of them. It will be neat to see how much territory he and others have prayed over when he leaves. When asked about their prayer walk some of the team had a few interesting observations about the scenery and the people. Bonita noticed a general lack of color. Many of the buildings from the communist era are still standing in Ufa. They all look fairly drab and gray. The streets in general often had a fairly colorless appearance, but this is changing. We also talked about the facades that cover many buildings. Underneath will be a grayish-white brick but they will put a beautiful cover on it. They all sensed that Ufa was a place that was worth an investment of time, money, emotion...etc. This was the consensus, even though they acknowledged that a big harvest did not seem to be looming in the near future. Soil must be first tilled and seeded and watered before a harvest has a chance to appear.
After the prayer walk and lunch the team went down to the White River for a boat ride. It was a good time of fellowship and relaxation. This was a good rest after a couple of long days.
After the prayer walk and lunch the team went down to the White River for a boat ride. It was a good time of fellowship and relaxation. This was a good rest after a couple of long days.
This is Gail and Nikki enjoying the cool breeze and each other's company. Nikki has been in Ufa all summer and is leaving tomorrow. Please pray for her family as her Grandmother is very sick.
Calavat Yulaev is the Bashkir National Hero. His monument is the most famous site in Bashkortostan. This unique view is from the riverboat.
After the boat ride the team had another time of sharing and discussing Ufa, the people, how God is working and how Centerville might join Him. The team is making very keen observations about this place and they are gaining a lot of insights to take back and share with their church. At 7pm at Clarke's apartment there was another English group. In this group they discuss general life issues. Some examples: Dealing with anger, what is love, what should a family look like, anything is fair game and the discussions can be very revealing and can lead to deeper discussions with individuals.
The group sits around the Woodall's dining room table.
Pray for the second team from Centerville Baptist as they travel to Ufa. Pray for Nikki as she travels home. Pray for all the relationships that will be built this next week.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Full Day, But Worth It
Today's report will actually begin by telling you about last night's activities. You will remember that last night in Ufa, the Centerville team participated in an English conversation club. One of the young men that attended is part of another English club comprised of young professionals. They have never had a native speaker in their group so he invited Jeff, Paul, Bonita and Gail. The catch was it took place after the first English club ended at 8:30. So, this would mean a very long day to these guys, however, they did not hesitate to accept the invitation. This turned out to be the highlight of their day. They were able to go and speak with these people and have spiritual conversations and share the Gospel with them! Also, because they went to this group, a lot of those people came to the picnic tonight and others of us who live here have been invited to attend their groups as well. God has widened our circle of contacts, new relationships have been formed and seeds of The Good News have been planted. Praise the Lord for their willingness to stretch themselves.
This morning, the team was tired but very encouraged by the events of the previous evening. Their first stop today was Victory Park. This park is dedicated to those who fought in WWII. The Russians refer to it as The Great Patriotic War. It is just off a main road in town but when you get back in the park it is very peaceful and offers a great view of the river valley.
This morning, the team was tired but very encouraged by the events of the previous evening. Their first stop today was Victory Park. This park is dedicated to those who fought in WWII. The Russians refer to it as The Great Patriotic War. It is just off a main road in town but when you get back in the park it is very peaceful and offers a great view of the river valley.
Chris sharing a story about seeing a WWII veteran weep at the monument
The eternal flame that burns for those who fought and died in WWII
The afternoon was spent in fellowship at a mall food court with some local believers and then in another meeting with Chris meant to strengthen ties between Centerville and the work in Ufa. The team was tired, but was at the picnic this evening talking with locals and being part of the fun atmosphere that was created by all the people (believers and non-believers) chatting, throwing balls and frisbees and eating Shashlik. (grilled meat) The reason for this picnic was for believers, both American and Russian to be able to hangout with non-believers. Most of the people that came were from the English clubs that are held on a weekly basis. People wanting to know English is one solid bridge that we have on which to build relationships in Ufa.
Paul and Bonita enjoyed their Shashlik. You can see all the activity in the background.
Here is Jeff teaching some people to throw the football
Paul talking to a couple of young men from Ufa. Relationships are very important in Russia. A good relationship is often prerequisite to being able to effectively share the Gospel.
The picnic ended around 10:30 (summer days are long) After this very long day, the team from Centerville should rest well tonight.
Pray for the new relationships being built by Jeff, Paul, Bonita and Gail. Pray for the second team from Centerville as they will begin traveling to Ufa soon. Pray for the English conversation group that will be held tomorrow night. Continue to pray that the team will rest easily at nights so they can have enough energy to last the whole day.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A View from the Top
Today was a great day with another surprise. The Centerville team knew they were going to see some local sites, but they got some extras when thy visited the mosque Lula Tulpan. This is the headquarters for Sunni Hanafi Islam in Bashkortostan. The cleric there was very gracious to them. He answered many questions and was very nice about discussing his faith. He even gave a demonstration of prayer and Quran reading. He led them on a full tour of the mosque and passed them off to the administrator of the facility who led them around to see the school that operates there and then the outer grounds.
Then, just as the group was thinking the tour was over, the administrator went to get the key to lead them to the top of one of the 177ft minarets! This was a special treat. The only down side was climbing the stairs to the top. You could see all of Ufa and the surrounding countryside. It was amazing.

Then, just as the group was thinking the tour was over, the administrator went to get the key to lead them to the top of one of the 177ft minarets! This was a special treat. The only down side was climbing the stairs to the top. You could see all of Ufa and the surrounding countryside. It was amazing.
Of course Jeff couldn't resist the chance to let his mullet wave in the breeze.
After the mosque tour, the team went to meet with a local church planter. They had an encouraging time with him. Part of the time was spent planning some gathering times with young people in Ufa. Then, continuing with their busy schedule, the team from Centerville met with Chris Carr and shared about themselves and their hearts for ministry. As ambassadors from Centerville Baptist, they shared about their church and what they felt was the church's attitude toward missions and ministry in general. They began to hear about how God is already working in Ufa. It was very clear that these men and women from Centerville want their lives to have eternal significance and, following God's leading, act on it. They see Ufa as an opportunity to join God and advance His kingdom. What greater significance can one's life have than to be a part of God's work? The partnership between Centerville and Ufa was deepened today and everyone involved feels good about.
Pray for youth meetings that are being organized. Pray for the picnic that will take place tomorrow in the park by the river. Pray about the role that Centerville Baptist Church will have in Ufa in the coming years. Pray for the team members as they are 'not out of the woods yet' concerning jet lag. Pray that Chris and the Centerville team are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they continue to plan the agenda for next week.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Paul!
The first day was not without a surprise in Ufa. Paul got a surprise birthday party at lunch, complete with cake and the Happy Birthday song in English and Russian. Everyone ate lunch at the Carr's apartment after church and we had a great time of fellowship and getting to know each other.
Here is Paul getting 'Happy Birthday' sung to him in Russian.
...and with his layered jello dish that Nikki (standing behind him) made
Being able to celebrate Paul's birthday with him added to the fun and excitement of the day. After a good lunch that Eileen prepared we all sat in the living room to discuss the weeks activities. Everyone is excited about the agenda. Tomorrow the team will go to the northern part of Ufa called Chernikovka. The main mosque in town is located there as well as Victory Park, complete with WWII era tanks and guns and a WWII museum. Then they will eat lunch with a local church planter. This man they are meeting with is a strategic partner of TeamUfa and is doing a great work here. They may do some prayer walking as well.
After this afternoon's meeting the four from Centerville started to hit what is known as 'the wall'. This is where you just can't stay awake any longer. So, they went back to the hotel in the afternoon for some rest. Pray that God will grant them restful sleep tonight. Also, pray for the lunch meeting with the local church planter and don't forget to check back tomorrow to see how everything went!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Centerville 4 are in Town
The 4 members of the advanced team from Centerville are now checked into their hotel and taking much anticipated showers. You who have been on long international trips know the glazed doughnut feeling. Everyone is good and all the luggage is with them. Also, the hotel is registering them on site, which means they will not have to wait to get their passports back. This is new in Ufa and makes registering a lot less stressful.
Also, they were able to take a neat side trip during their layover in Moscow. They saw some friends there who are connected with their church and were able to go see Red Square and get out into the city a little. That beats sitting in Domodedovo! Tomorrow after church there will be a big lunch and orientation at the Carr's with everybody including some translators. (about 24 people) Please pray that the guys get a good night's rest and be sure and thank the Lord that their travels went smoothly. For the other 9 who are waiting to come on Thursday, pray for the meetings that these 4 will have this week. A lot will be decided about the agenda while you are here. Be sure and check back in tomorrow to see how things went!
Also, they were able to take a neat side trip during their layover in Moscow. They saw some friends there who are connected with their church and were able to go see Red Square and get out into the city a little. That beats sitting in Domodedovo! Tomorrow after church there will be a big lunch and orientation at the Carr's with everybody including some translators. (about 24 people) Please pray that the guys get a good night's rest and be sure and thank the Lord that their travels went smoothly. For the other 9 who are waiting to come on Thursday, pray for the meetings that these 4 will have this week. A lot will be decided about the agenda while you are here. Be sure and check back in tomorrow to see how things went!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Teams from Centerville, Va to arrive soon!
On July 17th the advance team from Centerville Baptist will be arriving. Then, on July 22nd the main group lands in Ufa for a week of sightseeing, sports activities, cultural exchange and English conversation with locals. We are very excited to see them coming and look forward to working with them while they are here. We hope that their experience is a positive one and that the Lord works in them and through them as they attempt to build relationships and witness to local people. While they are here, this blog will be updated daily. I plan to have a full report of the day's activities, including pictures and maybe a video or two. This will be a great way for everyone to follow the teams as they minister and will help you all to pray for them. Please check in to see what they have been up to. Also, feel free to comment on any of the posts and leave notes of encouragement for them.
Monday, July 5, 2010
July 4th, Baptism Sunday
On Sunday, July 4th churches in America were holding their services, no doubt, with a little patriotic flavor. The nation was gearing up for an evening of fireworks displays and many hotdogs, hamburgers and other grilled meats were consumed. You may have even grilled some vegetables. It was Independence Day for Americans. In Ufa, Russia a very different yet no less worthy celebration was taking place. It was the Sunday designated to baptize new believers! I went to the service held by The House of Prayer church at 9 am on the banks of the Ufa river. It was a very good time of worship and a happy time as the congregation welcomed its new members into the fold. There are some similarities to what we experience in American churches and some differences. One thing to note is that baptism carries a lot of weight in Russia. Given the country’s history, it is easy to see why. It was not too long ago when being a baptized believer could mean harassment, imprisonment, exile, or death.
We all gathered on the bank of the river and dressed in white the 9 candidates stood behind a banner on which is written part of Mark 16:16 “Whoever believes and is baptized, will be saved...”
The first thing we did was sing a couple of hymns. Then a message was given by one of the men about the importance of your faith being seen by your works. After this the pastor waded out into the cold river until he was about waist deep.
One by one the candidates went out to meet him and were baptized. One interesting thing I noticed was that during the dialogue that took place with the pastor all the candidates in a loud, clear voice stated the same thing, “I believe!” This is a big moment. Again, it wasn’t too long ago when going to ceremonies like this was fraught with danger and they were done in the dead of night and every word was a whisper. After each baptism the crowd on the shore sang a few lines that translate roughly: You are being baptized in Christ, therefore be clothed in Christ.
Upon exiting the river the newly baptized member gets a towel and hurries to the tent to change clothes.
After all were baptized the pastor prayed a blessing over the newly baptized and that concluded the service. It was simple, yet special for all involved.
We all gathered on the bank of the river and dressed in white the 9 candidates stood behind a banner on which is written part of Mark 16:16 “Whoever believes and is baptized, will be saved...”
The first thing we did was sing a couple of hymns. Then a message was given by one of the men about the importance of your faith being seen by your works. After this the pastor waded out into the cold river until he was about waist deep.
One by one the candidates went out to meet him and were baptized. One interesting thing I noticed was that during the dialogue that took place with the pastor all the candidates in a loud, clear voice stated the same thing, “I believe!” This is a big moment. Again, it wasn’t too long ago when going to ceremonies like this was fraught with danger and they were done in the dead of night and every word was a whisper. After each baptism the crowd on the shore sang a few lines that translate roughly: You are being baptized in Christ, therefore be clothed in Christ.
Upon exiting the river the newly baptized member gets a towel and hurries to the tent to change clothes.
After all were baptized the pastor prayed a blessing over the newly baptized and that concluded the service. It was simple, yet special for all involved.
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