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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Balcony Window

When I moved into my apartment I noticed that one balcony window had a screen while the other didn’t. It soon became clear that there might be a practical reason for this. Visiting my friend’s apartment confirmed what I had already witnessed walking past the many other apartment buildings in the city: people lean out of open windows to smoke.

On a handful of occasions I’ve found myself staring out of a balcony window, enjoying whatever view of the city it offers, while one or two friends finish smoking. I’m often the only student in the group without a cigarette in my hand. The activity punctuates daily life, and I’ve never really gotten used to it.

Alcohol and tobacco consumption can make me feel alienated from my peers. Sometimes I wonder if cultural and communication barriers can effectively be overcome. But lingering over doubts like this can be immobilizing. Paul reminds us that God “has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant.” I regularly need to be reminded of the confidence I can have “through Christ before God.”

One night a friend visited our weekly Bible-study group. We read a story from the New Testament and answered discussion questions. After we finished I stood with him on the balcony, staring outside. After he flicked his cigarette out the window he said, “I think this is the first time I’ve ever read the Bible.”

Moments like that sweep away negative feelings. I’m left reminded that as a jar of clay, my job is to bear witness to God’s “all-surpassing power” to those for whom the gospel is veiled.

Shawn B.
Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Jump. The Shock. The Dark and Light.

Just over a week ago I found myself saying my goodbyes, to my family at an airport, and continuing the render of my life to the call for obedience, love, and adventure.  The next moment I find myself sitting in a terminal, about to board a plane, hearing unfamiliar voices, seeing unfamiliar faces, and even smelling a few unfamiliar aromas. Even the flight attendants did not speak much English, though maybe slightly broken English, as they asked if I would care for a beverage or snack, during different hours of the 9 ½ hour flight. This next plane was about to jump over the Atlantic Ocean with one American and 243 foreign speaking souls on it.

The unfamiliar voices were not because of a lack of knowing who any of these people were, but that these voices, in fact, were speaking an entirely different language.  When the plane arrived to my final destination, I understood instructions and directions by the mere force of the crowd, as it drove me along the route to retrieve our bags.  When I ordered a coffee, jumped on a bus, or even shopped at the local grocery store across the street, smiles, grunts, and hand motions are all what initially helped this American understand.

Slowly, step-by-step, I understand more and more about the culture, the language, and the people.  Through the long, engaging conversations at a table drinking tea, the delightful, cool walks around the city for hours, and the simple, tranquil times sitting and enjoying each other’s company, I learn. As I continue my time here as a student, I long for those moments when my life of following The Light will be reflected; so that, those of whom I meet along the way may see who it is I follow, through me.
