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Sunday, December 23, 2012
God At Work In Ufa
September, October and November were fruitful months. Groups met weekly on Sun, Tues, Wed, Fri, and Sat in my apartment for Prayer and Worship around the Lord's Table, sharing, teaching and Inductive Bible study. Tuesday nights was particularly for Leaders and facilitators Training.
The goal of Leaders facilitation training was to help accomplish the task of reaching the lost and starting discipleship groups. Praise God the students were starting to see more clearly the need for every believer is to reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. To help connect, Win, Build, Train and Send. I encouraged them to pair up and share Romans Road and the 4 Laws among themselves. There was joy among the students and an interest to use the 4 laws when witnessing for Christ.
I was able to complete 4 modules from Breaking New Ground. What was of interest to them is the active role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers and non- believers. My prayer was they would lead others to Christ, make disciples and lead inductive Bible studies.
The Final meeting took place on Tuesday 20th November. There were around eight students that came to me that night for what was the final Leadership Training and group Bible study. There were singing, prayer and one of the students Anatoly, shared the Word from Galatians 4:4-7. Afterwards we shared a meal together and broke bread.
The other students were satisfied and gave thanks to the Lord’s for enabling Anatoly to facilitate the study by inductive Bible training method. “All Glory to God.”
Mondays and Thursday were allotted for Bible studies for individuals and House Visitations. During October & November I spent Monday nights with Zulia and her two sons Peter & Andrew for Bible study and communion which was fruitful. Also Andrew and Peter came with me to House of Prayer church on Sunday mornings to attend youth Bible classes.
During the final weeks in Ufa Students accompanied me for house visitation to share their testimony and Gospel message. I remember it well: Wednesday night group came back rejoicing after visiting houses on Thurs. Thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to share testimonies, the 4 laws and answered many questions. We felt greatly blessed and looked forward to more opportunities in sharing a testimony and the Gospel with others. I gave thanks to the Lord too for the many N.T Bibles that were handed out during those final weeks.
It was a blessing too to meet with fellow believers on November 18th for fellowship and a time of sharing/praying. I felt encouraged when everyone prayed over me for my Upcoming ministry with CCC in Australia. We also met again on the 22nd for Thanksgiving Day Lunch, which was encouraging.
Paul J.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Growing Through Changes
As I sit here writing this, I have less than a week left in Ufa. I cannot believe how time has flown. It seems like just yesterday I arrived in this beautiful city. But now it is time to leave. I have been here for three and a half months, and have grown greatly both as a person and spiritually. I have grown as a person as I have gained new life experiences and learned how to survive in a culture that is not my own, and in a country where hardly anyone speaks my language. Experiencing another people’s culture and way of life has allowed me to break the stereotypes that I once held and has allowed my love for the people of this world to grow. I have grown spiritually as God has opened my eyes to the needs that people have for Him. He has really shown me His love for the people of this world and their need for Him. One day when I was feeling discouraged I prayed that God would show me what to love here in Ufa. God immediately told me to love the people, because they need Him. This affected me because I came to the realization that loving the people because they need Jesus does not just apply to Russia but applies to every country in the world. Probably my biggest highlight from these three and a half months has been all of the people I have met. I have many great, new friends with whom I am excited to continue relationships. I have also really enjoyed exploring Ufa, and going to all of the beautiful parks in the city. Overall I have had an amazing three and a half months living in Ufa. It was challenging at times, but the challenges helped me to grow. I will miss all of the people who I have met here, and hope to return someday soon!
Kimberlie D.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
In Love With Ufa and Her People
It’s so hard to believe that I have been in Russia for 3 and ½ months.
I can’t believe how fast time flew. It feels like just yesterday I was arriving, and I leave in a week. It has been a wonderful journey, and I am so thankful for this opportunity. Living in Russia for the past few months has definitely taught me a few things and allowed me some growth.
One of the most important lessons I have learned here is to be humble.
Nothing is more humbling than living in a place where you don’t speak the language and you don’t know anyone. Throughout this journey, I have been humbled daily. Not only in the area of language, but spiritually as well. God has definitely taught me humility here.
Living in America, I am comfortable, and I rely less on God and focus on doing things in my own strengths. Leaving my comfort zone and coming to Russia, I was made aware of how little I can do on my own.
I have been shown my need for God every day, and that revelation was incredibly humbling. My need for God has been so evident in everyday things, like getting to the store, meeting people, communicating across language barriers, and having opportunities to share my faith.
Along with humility, I have also learned to be patient. The first month or so, this was a daily lesson for me. I had to be patient with my studies. Learning a new language takes time and patience. Some days would go great, and then the next day, I would feel totally helpless. I had to be patient with relationships. It took a while to meet and develop relationships with locals here. I wanted it to happen right away, but God kept reminding me to be patient. Throughout the last few months, God has continued to be patient. It was a difficult, and humbling, lesson to learn, but it has helped me grow so much. With patience comes trust, so my trust and faith has grown stronger over the last few months through learning to be patient.
I have learned so much in my time here. I will be forever grateful for what my time here has taught me. I am so thankful to God for bringing to Ufa. It breaks my heart to leave my friends here and leave this city. I have fallen so in love with the people here, Ufa, and Russia.
I pray that God continues to bless Ufa and sends more people to pour into the city. I also pray that one day, I will get the chance to come back.
Kelli M.
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